Saturday, November 29, 2014

Tips for preclinical students to success in amalgam restoration

1: Understand  the Amalgam procedure steps.

2: Read and understand the tooth anatomy.

3: Use proper instruments.


4: Apply pressure when Condensing Amalgam.


 5: Use a round burnisher for Pre-carve burnishing.


 6: Start Carving.

Right time: Start carving when the dental amalgam shows some resistance to the carving instrument (Use explorer to test the amalgam  resistance to the carving instrument) Amalgam shouldn't be too plastic or too set.

7: Start with gross carving.

8: While doing the gross carving keep measurements 1mm greater than what is needed.
This 1mm will be used in fine carving and finishing. 

9: Keep  the carver parallel to the marginal ridge.

10: Use the cuspal incline as guidance.

11: After doing the gross carving, go for the fine carving for producing the details.

12: When carving the fossa, keep the blade of the carving instrument angled in "harmony" with the slop of the cusp. 

13: Remove flash.

14: Use a  football burnisher for post-carve burnishing : The tip of the instrument should be placed on fissures.

Restoration completed!

Watch the video  (next post)

Evaluate yourself 

Amalgam restoration (Cl I cavity prep)

Surface quality
Occlusal anatomy

No excess
to sharp
No ditch
-No under carv
-No over carv
Reproducing the occlusal anatomy
In harmony with tooth structures.


10 Tips for preclinical students to success in cavity preparation!

  • Don’t come empty mind,You must be knowledgeable of the cavity preparation principles! 
  • Keep the outline form memorized.


  • Draw the outline form.


  • Adopt the ideal position. 


  • Start with small size burs.


  • Get the correct fingers position so that you can have a better control of the handpiece. 


  • Accomplish the cavity preparation in an orderly sequence .


  • Don’t apply firm pressure,work layer by layer. 


  • Use a small condenser to Verify the convenience form.


  •  Finish walls and margins.

Evaluate yourself

        Class I cavity preparation on 36/46

        Outline form
   Direction of walls

Smooth sweeping curves
pits and fissures
Parallelism B /L  to ext surf+ slight  conv
Parallelism M/D to ext surf + slight div

      Depth and  width
Pulpal floor
    Cavity refinement

-BL: ≤1/4inter cusp distance 
-MD: dovetails 1mm inside marg ridge

Defined line angles and walls